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Apologetics 315 Podcast 076 – Five Arguments Christians Should Know
Today’s Show Notes:Episode 076 – Five Arguments Christians Should Know Don’t forget to fill out the PODCAST SURVEY for a chance to win a prize! In this episode Brian
Video: A Critique of the Argument Against Free Will from Neuroscience
Maybe it’s just me, but I find neuroscience absolutely fascinating! Watching just the first two minutes is all you need to do to (1) feel like there’s a lot to learn in
Video: The Evolutionary Argument Against Naturalism
The Analytic Christian vodcast has been killing it lately, walking through philosophical foundations and defenses of the Christian worldview. This one highlights the work of Alvin
Video: Refuting Biblical Arguments from Silence
This video is a few years old but answers, both succinctly and comprehensively, the oft-cited refutation to Jesus’ resurrection that there are not enough secular voices from
Podcast: The Modern Trilemma Argument
Dr. Keltz uses the trilemma argument (aka the maximal data approach) to argue for the veracity of the resurrection of Jesus. Not sure what the trilemma argument is? Well, you bette