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Debate: Is Evil Evidence Against God? (Sweis Vs. Green)
Adherent Apologetics: In this semi-formal debate, Christian Khaldoun Aziz Sweis debates atheist Emerson Green. They discuss the Problem of Evil and it’s relation to God’
Debate: Is Evil Strong Evidence Against God? – Zac (Adherent Apologets) Vs. Emerson Green
The Non-Alchemist: A debate on God’s existence.
Debate: Beth Allison Barr & Rachel Green Miller: Egalitarian & Complementarian views on Biblical Womanhood
Unbelievable?: Beth Allison Barr, author of ‘The Making of Biblical Womanhood: How the subjugation of women became Gospel truth’ takes an egalitarian view of scripture. Rachel
Brett Kunkle and Richard Greene Debate: Can We Be Good Without God?
Can We Be Good Without God? This is a debate between Brett Kunkle (from Stand To Reason) and Dr. Richard Greene, philosophy professor at Weber State University. The debate was held
Michael Green on the Evidence for Christianity
“The evidence for the Christian case is very strong. Though incapable of compelling faith, it is quite sufficient to warrant it.” – Michael Green Runaway World (Downers Grove