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Video: Dealing with the Problem of Evil on a Practical Level
These two Molinists fixate on the problem of pain and how Calvinists often have a hard time reconciling pain and evil without free will in play. The conversation is in context of D
Debate: Is the Christian God Evil? (Pepper V. Nesan)
Both of these debaters have a bit different approach than we often get, with less rigorous philosophy involved here and more dynamic storytelling. There’s no intro to the deb
Debate: The Problem of Evil Debate(Hart V. Gupta)
Problem of evil discussions generally tend to pit Christians against atheists, but in this case, a Hare Krishna member takes on the problem from his faith’s perspective. How
Video: Does Evil Disprove God? Exploring Evil and the Evidence for God
The Apologetics Guy has been killing it lately. This video looks like it should be presented by the folks at masterclass. Mikel combines clean powerpoint slides (that help visual l
Article: The Incarnation and Evil
Maybe coming up with explanations for the problem of suffering is missing the point. Nick Peters makes this argument using his cat’s visit to the vet. Have a short read, will